§ 154.215 INTENT.
   The District is intended to preserve the quality and quantity of the area’s water resources so as to ensure a safe and adequate supply of drinking water for present and future generations. Restrictions shall apply to land use activities which have the potential to contaminate water resources, including aquifers in use and those having the potential for future use as a public water supply. The purpose of the district is to prohibit certain uses which pose the greatest threat to ground water contamination and to impose reasonable and adequate safeguards on other uses which exhibit a potential to contaminate the ground water. The Aquifer Protection Overlay District is an overlay whose boundaries are superimposed on all districts established by this chapter. It is not intended that this district interfere with, abrogate, or annul any other rules or regulations of this chapter, except that if the Aquifer Protection Overlay District imposes a greater restriction than the underlying zoning district regulations, the greater restriction shall apply.
(Ord. 0904-05, passed 5-20-2009)