A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes in the A-l Agricultural District:
   (A)   Agriculture;
   (B)   A single-family dwelling if the following provisions for building eligibility are met. Each quarter-quarter section shall have one building eligibility when all the following conditions are met.
      (1)   There are no other dwellings on the quarter-quarter section.
      (2)   The building site shall be a minimum of one acre.
      (3)   Approval has been granted by the appropriate governing entity for access onto a public road.
      (4)   The remaining portion of the quarter-quarter section is retained as agricultural land or in its present use.
      (5)   Prior to any building permit being issued for any new single family residence located in the A-l Agriculture District, a right to farm covenant shall be filed with the county’s Register of Deeds on the parcel of land upon which the new structure will be located. Only the following shall constitute a right to farm covenant:
      You are hereby notified that the property on which you are constructing a structure is in or near agricultural land, agricultural operations or agricultural processing facilities or operations. You may be subject to inconvenience or discomfort from lawful agricultural or agricultural processing facility operations. Agricultural operations may include, but are not limited to, the following: the cultivation, harvesting, and storage of crops; livestock production; ground rig or aerial application of pesticides or herbicides; the application of fertilizer, including animal waste; the operation of machinery; the application of irrigation water; and other accepted and customary agricultural activities conducted in accordance with Federal, State, and County laws. Discomforts and inconveniences may include, but are not limited to: noise, odors, fumes, dust, smoke, burning, vibrations, insects, rodents, and/or the operation of machinery (including aircraft) during any 24-hour period. If you live near an agricultural area, you should be prepared to accept such inconveniences or discomforts as a normal and necessary aspect of living in an area with a strong rural character and an active agricultural sector. You are also notified that there is the potential for agricultural or agricultural processing operations to expand. This notification shall extend to all landowners, their heirs, successors or assigns and because it is required pursuant to the issuance of a building permit, may not be removed from the record title without consent of the Lincoln County Planning Commission.”
   (C)   Elementary or high school;
   (D)   Historical sites;
   (E)   Church;
   (F)   Neighborhood utility facility;
   (G)   Antenna support structure; and
   (H)   Minor home occupation in conformance with § 154.243
(Ord. 0904-05, passed 5-20-2009)