For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL. The Planning Director or agent is responsible for the administration and enforcement of this chapter.
   AS-BUILT. Drawings and documentation specifying the final in-place location, elevation, size, and type of all system components. These records identify the results of materials testing and describe conditions during construction. Information provided must be verified by a certified statement.
   BOARD. The Board of Lincoln County Commissioners.
   CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. A written authorization, which authorizes a person to construct, install, or modify an on-site wastewater treatment system in compliance with this chapter.
   DEPARTMENT. The Lincoln County Planning and Zoning Department.
   EMERGENCY REPAIR. The modification, extension, or replacement of an on-site wastewater system requiring more than a minor repair due to a sudden structural or mechanical failure which prevents the disposal of sewage from plumbing fixtures.
   INSTALLER. Any person that has received certification through the state’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources Installer Certification Program prior to any installation of on-site wastewater systems in the county.
   ON-SITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM. A system designed to contain, distribute, or treat wastewater on or near the location where the wastewater is generated, including sewers, septic tanks, absorption fields, Nodak systems, seepage pits, vault privies, holding tanks, subsurface sand filters, graywater systems, pumping stations, dosing chambers, and related equipment.
   OWNER. A person who is the owner of record of the land on which an individual or small on-site wastewater system is to be or has been designed, constructed, installed, altered, extended, or operated.
   PERCOLATION TEST. A soil test at the depth of a proposed absorption system to determine the water absorption capability of the soil, the results of which are normally expressed as the rate at which one inch of water is absorbed over an interval of time.
   PERSON. An individual, trust, firm, estate, company, corporation, partnership, association, state, state or federal agency, or entity, municipality, commission, or political subdivision of a state.
(Ord. 1206-23, passed 6-26-2012)