(A)   Application submitted to appropriate administrative official. An application for a certificate of appropriateness shall be obtained from and, when completed, filed with the appropriate administrative official. Applications for certificates of appropriateness shall be considered by the Commission at its next regular meeting, provided they have been filed, complete in form and content, at least 21 calendar days before the regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission; otherwise, consideration shall be deferred until the following meeting.
   (B)   Contents of application. The Commission shall, by uniform rule in its rules of procedure, require data as are reasonably necessary to determine the nature of the application. An application for a certificate of appropriateness shall not be considered complete until all required data have been submitted.
   (C)   Notification of Historic Preservation Commission. Upon receipt of an application, the official shall notify the Commission members at least seven calendar days before the regularly scheduled meeting.
   (D)   Notification of affected property owners. Prior to issuance or denial of a certificate of appropriateness, the Commission shall take the steps as may be reasonably required in this chapter and/or rules of procedure to inform the owners of any property likely to be materially affected by the application and shall give the applicant and the owners an opportunity to be heard.
   (E)   Public hearing. In cases where the Commission deems it necessary, it may hold a public hearing concerning the application.
   (F)   Commission action on application.
      (1)   The Commission shall take action on the application and in doing so shall apply the review criteria, contained in §§ 153.075 and 153.076.
      (2)   The Commission's action on the application shall be approval, approval with modifications, or disapproval.
      (3)   Prior to final action on an application, the Commission, using the guidelines in §§ 153.075 and 153.076, shall make findings of fact indicating the extent to which the application is or is not in compliance with the review criteria.
   (G)   Reasons for Commission's action to appear in minutes. The Commission shall cause to be entered into the minutes of its meeting the reasons for its actions, whether it be approval, approval with modifications, or denial.
   (H)   Time limits. If the Commission fails to take final action upon any application within 60 days after the complete application is submitted to the Commission, the application shall be deemed to be approved.
   (I)   Submission of new application. If the Commission determines that a certificate of appropriateness should not be issued, a new application affecting the same property may be submitted only if substantial change is made in plans for the proposed construction, reconstruction, alteration, restoration, or moving.
(Ord. passed 9-8-1992; Ord. passed 3-21-2022)