(A)   Implementation. In order to implement the purposes stated in § 150.002, this program provides for the creation of enhanced agricultural districts that meet the following standards.
      (1)   The district shall contain one or more qualified farms that contain a total of not less than 50 acres.
      (2)   If a district consists of more than one qualifying farm, each farm must be within one mile of at least one other qualifying farm within the district.
   (B)   Encourage formation. The county may take any action as it deems appropriate through the Agricultural District Advisory Board or other entities or individuals to encourage the formation of the districts and to further their purposes and objectives, including the implementation of a public information program to reasonably inform landowners of the agricultural district program.
   (C)   Withdrawal. Enhanced agricultural districts require an irrevocable agricultural term easement between the Agricultural District Advisory Board and the agriculture producer that cannot be revoked for ten years.
   (D)   Display. The districts shall be designated on county GIS mapping system and marked on county maps displayed for public view in the following county offices:
      (1)   Register of Deeds;
      (2)   Building and Land Development;
      (3)   Tax Mapping;
      (4)   Soil and Water Conservation District/NRCS; and
      (5)   Cooperative Extension.
(Ord. passed 10-15-2007)