(A)   As authorized under KRS 65.206(4), following the Program Administrator's approval of the Application and upon the execution of a financing agreement in connection with the Application, the County may impose an assessment upon the real property, which shall be used to repay the owner's financing of an Energy Project on that property and the costs of any upgrades to the electrical or gas distribution system connected to that property necessary to accommodate the Energy Improvement. The financing for Energy Projects under the EPAD Program may be provided by any third party or, if authorized by the Local Government, by any Local Government that may validly provide such financing.
   (B)   In order to impose the assessment, and as authorized under KRS 65.207, an Application approved by the Program Administrator shall be forwarded to the County Fiscal Court along with a proposed financing agreement for the Energy Project described in the Application and a proposed notice of assessment in the form required under KRS 65.207(3). The County Fiscal Court then may adopt a Resolution approving and authorizing the financing agreement and the notice of assessment and imposing the assessments. If approved, the financing agreement and the notice of assessment each shall be executed, and the notice of assessment shall be filed in the real property records of the County.
(Ord. 6.25.21, passed 6-25-2021)