General Provisions
154.001 Title
154.002 Authority
154.003 Goal and objective
154.004 Purpose
154.005 Jurisdiction
154.006 Interpretation
154.007 Continuity
154.008 Interpretation of terms
154.009 Definitions
Administration and Enforcement
154.020 Administrative/Enforcement Officer
154.021 Building permits
154.022 Procedure
154.023 Enforcement by Commission
154.024 Enforcement
154.025 Fee schedule
Board of Adjustment
154.040 Establishment of Board
154.041 Meetings of Board, quorum, minutes, bylaws
154.042 Other rights and powers of Board
154.043 Conditional use permits
154.044 Dimensional variance
154.045 Recording of variances and conditional use permits
154.046 Existing nonconforming use, continuance, change
154.047 Administrative review
154.048 Procedure for all appeals to Board
Nonconforming Lots, Structures and Uses
154.060 Intent
154.061 Nonconforming lots of record
154.062 Nonconforming structures and uses
154.063 Ordinary repair and maintenance
Establishment of Districts
154.075 General regulation
154.076 Official zoning map
154.077 Interpretation of district boundaries
154.078 Landfills
154.079 Districts established
154.080 Expressly prohibited uses in all districts
154.081 Agricultural District (A-1)
154.082 Residential Districts
154.083 Single-Family Residential District (R-1)
154.084 Single- Multi-Family District (R-2)
154.085 Commercial/Professional Office District (C/PO)
154.086 Applicable to all C/PO land uses
154.087 Recreation District (R-R)
154.088 Industrial Districts
154.089 Light Industrial District (I-1)
154.090 Floodplain District (F)
Application of Regulations
154.105 Application of regulations generally
154.106 Special provisions for agricultural areas
154.107 Subdivision of all land
154.108 Certificate of land use restriction
Supplemental District Regulations
154.120 Applicability
154.121 Yard regulations
154.122 Setback lines, exceptions
154.123 Lot access requirements
154.124 Accessory buildings
154.125 Swimming pools
154.126 Exceptions to height limitations
154.127 Subdivision or consolidation of lots
154.128 Visibility at intersections
154.129 Water supply and sewage disposal
154.130 Excavation and grading for approved construction
Manufactured/Mobile Homes
154.145 Intent
154.146 Manufactured/mobile home definitions
154.147 Certified mobile homes permitted
154.148 Mobile home parks and recreational vehicle parks
154.149 Manufactured/certified mobile home installation requirements
154.150 Temporary use of manufactured or certified mobile homes
Off-Street Parking and Loading
154.165 Existing parking spaces
154.166 Required off-street parking spaces
154.167 Parking space dimensions and setbacks
154.168 Off-street parking standards
154.169 Off-street loading and unloading space regulations for trucks
154.170 Additional parking, loading and unloading regulations
154.171 Parking, storage or use of major recreational equipment
154.172 Local ordinances
Signs and Billboards
154.185 Intent
154.186 General sign regulations
154.187 Residential Districts
154.188 Commercial/Professional Office District
154.189 Industrial District
154.190 Maintenance
154.191 Violations
Planned Unit Developments
154.205 Objectives for planned unit developments
154.206 Provisions governing planned unit developments
154.207 Uses permitted
154.208 Project ownership
154.209 Common open space and disposition thereof
154.210 Maintenance within rights-of-way
154.211 Utility requirements
154.212 Minimum project area
154.213 Procedure for application and approval of planned unit developments
Development Plans
154.225 General
154.226 Preliminary development plans required
154.227 Final development plans required
154.228 Contents of preliminary development plan
154.229 Contents of final development plan
154.230 Approval of development plan before building permit
154.231 Amendments to development plan
Communications Towers
154.245 Purpose
154.246 Pre-application conference
154.247 Definitions
154.248 General
154.249 Applicability
154.250 Application procedure
154.251 Confidentiality of information
154.252 Application fee
154.253 Processing of application
154.254 Design standards
154.255 Criteria
154.270 General
154.271 Application for amendment
154.272 Planning Commission procedure
154.273 Notice of public hearing
154.274 Public hearing on application
154.275 Recommendation of Commission for zoning map amendment
154.276 Action by legislative body on zoning map amendments
154.277 Action by legislative bodies for text amendment
154.278 Special conditions to the granting of zoning changes
154.279 Amendment; reapplication timeframe
154.999 Penalty
(A) This chapter shall be known and referred to as the “Zoning Ordinance for Lincoln County.” It may be cited as “this chapter,” the “Lincoln County Zoning Ordinance” or the “zoning ordinance.”
(B) The map referred to herein is entitled the “Zoning Map for Lincoln County, Kentucky” and the “Zoning Atlas for Lincoln County, Kentucky.” It may be cited as the “Lincoln County Zoning Atlas” or the “County Zoning Atlas.”
(C) Certified copies of this chapter and the maps are on file with the County Clerk’s Office as appropriate. Additional copies of this chapter are available from the County Planning Office.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
The goal of this chapter is to establish a program of zoning for the county. The objective of this chapter is to guide the use of land and the location and design of structures in a manner that will stabilize property values, assist in achieving a sound growth policy, promote an orderly pattern of land use, and direct development of community facilities and services within the jurisdiction of the county.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
The zoning regulations and districts set forth herein have been made in accordance with the County Comprehensive Flan prepared by the Planning Commission to:
(A) Promote the general welfare, health, safety and convenience of the citizens of the county;
(B) Execute the provisions of the County Comprehensive Plan regarding growth and development in the unincorporated areas of the county, to ensure suitable and satisfactory arrangements between the various types of land use;
(C) Lessen traffic congestion and secure safety from fire, flood and other dangers throughout the county; and
(D) Facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, schools, recreation and other public improvements stemming directly or indirectly from the use of land throughout the county.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)