For the purpose of this code of ordinances, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly requires a different meaning.
   ADOPTING AUTHORITY. Any officer, employee, agent or agency of the Town of Limon, including boards or commissions or members thereof, authorized by ordinance to make rules and regulations.
   BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The Town of Limon Board of Trustees.
   COUNTY. The County of Lincoln, Colorado.
   GOVERNING BODY. The Town of Limon Board of Trustees.
   HIGHWAY. Includes bridges, roads and streets, unless otherwise expressly provided.
   MONTH. One calendar month.
      (1)   Extends to and includes person, persons, firm, corporation, copartnership, trustee, lessee, receiver and bodies politic.
      (2)   Whenever used in any clause prescribing and imposing a penalty, the terms PERSON or WHOEVER, as applied to any unincorporated entity, shall mean the partners or members thereof and, as applied to corporations, the officers or agents thereof.
   PRECEDING and FOLLOWING. When referring to sections or divisions in this code, refer to the sections or divisions next following or next preceding that in which the words occur, unless some other section is designated.
   ORDINANCE. Any ordinance adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Limon, and shall include any code or compilation of ordinances, or any part thereof, adopted under the authority of the Board of Trustees.
   RULES AND REGULATIONS. The whole or any part of rules and regulations adopted pursuant to statute or ordinance authority, and includes modifications and amendments, but shall not include executive orders or matters relating exclusively to internal management and procedure.
   STATE. The State of Colorado.
   WRITTEN and IN WRITING. Include printing, lithographing or other modes of representing words and letters. Where the written signature of a person is required, the terms mean the proper handwriting of the person or the person’s mark.
   YEAR. One calendar year, unless otherwise expressly provided.
(Prior Code, § 122.1) (Ord. 577, passed 11-6-2014)