(A)   Authority for establishment. The authority for the establishment of the office of Chief of Police and for the Police Department by the town’s Board of Trustees is vested by statutes of the state.
(Prior Code, § 201.1)
   (B)   Scope and responsibilities of Chief of Police.
      (1)   The Chief of Police is charged with the management of the Police Department and shall have such powers as are given to him or her by statute as Chief of Police of an incorporated town.
      (2)   (a)   As C.R.S. § 31-4-306 provides, the Chief of Police shall have the same power that sheriffs have, by law, coextensive with the county in cases of violation of town ordinances and for offenses committed within the limits of the town.
         (b)   The Chief shall execute all writs and processes directed to him or her by the Municipal Judge in any case arising under a town ordinance and shall be eligible to receive the same fees for his or her services that sheriffs are allowed in similar cases.
         (c)   Additionally, the Chief shall make recommendations concerning matters within the sphere of his or her responsibility to the town’s Board of Trustees. The Chief shall perform such duties as are required of the Chief by state statute, by this code of ordinances or as shall be assigned to him or her by the town’s Board of Trustees; providing, such assignment is not inconsistent with the office or the job description approved by the Board of Trustees by resolution.
(Prior Code, § 201.2)
   (C)   Appointment. The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees at the first meeting following a regular municipal election or at such time the need to fill a vacancy may exist.
(Prior Code, § 201.3)
(Ord. 578, passed 12-4-2014)