(A)   The Division shall adopt a standard installation authorization to be used statewide, including a standard inspection form and minimum inspection form requirements.
   (B)   Prior to beginning the installation of a manufactured home, the owner, registered or certified installer of a manufactured home or property owner shall make an application for an installation authorization from the town.
      (1)   At the time of application for an installation authorization, if the primary standard for the installation shall be used, the manufacturer’s written installation instructions shall by submitted to the town.
      (2)   If the primary standard is not being used, the town shall determine the appropriate alternate standard to be used.
      (3)   The Board of Trustees of the town shall of the authority to adopt a fee schedule for installation program fees including insignia fees, inspection fees and re-inspection fees.
   (C)   Owners, registered installers, certified installers and property owners shall display an installation authorization at the site of the manufactured home certifying compliance.
      (1)   Each authorization for installation will contain the identity of the installer and owner as well as phone number and contact person and identify the installer as owner, registered or certified.
      (2)   The certificate shall also include the name, address and telephone number of the town as the agency issuing the installation authorization.
   (D)   If the primary standard is being used to install the manufactured home, a copy of the manufacturer’s instructions shall be available at the time of installation and inspection.
      (1)   The installer is responsible to maintain a copy of the manufacturer’s instructions at the installation site.
      (2)   Whenever the manufacturer’s instructions are not present at the time of inspection, the inspector may reschedule the inspection.
      (3)   All costs of the inspection and the following re-inspection will be borne by the installer.
   (E)   The owner, installer, manufacturer or retailer shall have the right to be present at any inspection.
   (F)   All manufactured homes that are found to be in compliance with installation standards shall have an insignia of installation completed and permanently attached by the inspector making the inspection. Installation made by a certified installer may be inspected and certified by the installer. Such installations do not require inspection by the town. The certified installer shall complete and permanently attach an insignia when the installation is complete and make insignia reports to the town as required.
   (G)   When a manufactured home installation is not found in compliance with the applicable manufacturer’s instructions or the installation standard, the installer shall be notified in writing by the inspector.
      (1)   The inspector may at the time of inspection, include in the inspection report instructions for the installer to call for re-inspection at any stage to prevent cover up of any part of the installation requiring re-inspection by the inspector.
      (2)   The installer shall pay for any repairs required to bring the installation into compliance, including any subsequent inspections required.
      (3)   If a vacant manufactured home fails the installation because of conditions that endanger the health and safety of the occupant, the manufactured home shall not be occupied and the manufactured home shall be visibly posted with notification to prevent occupancy.
      (4)   If the manufactured home fails the installation inspection because of conditions that do not endanger the health or safety of the occupant, the manufactured home may be occupied pending the correction of those defects or deficiencies that served as the basis of the failed inspection.
   (H)   Application of the certification insignia is evidence that permanent utilities may be installed.
   (I)   Permanent insignia application is required prior to occupancy of the home.
   (J)   If an installation or subsequent repair of an installation by an installer fails to meet the instructions or standards within the time limit allowed by the inspector, the inspector shall notify the installer that the installation is in default.
      (1)   The installer shall be given ten working days after notification of default to bring the installation into compliance.
      (2)   The town may request that the Division investigate the installation.
      (3)   The Division may revoke, suspend or fail to renew the registration or certification of the installer and cause the forfeiture of the installer’s surety bond on behalf of the owner of the manufactured home for failing to comply with the Division’s and town’s standards regarding installation of a manufactured home.
(Prior Code, § 515.7) (Ord. 464, passed 8-2-2002; Ord. 584, passed 10-1-2015)