(A)   (1)   The Board of Trustees, consisting of six members, shall be elected according to the method provided by statute. At the 4-4-1972 election, six Trustees shall be elected. The three candidates for Trustee receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected for four-year terms, and the three candidates for Trustee receiving the next highest numbers of votes shall be elected for two-year terms.
      (2)   At the next subsequent regular election and at each regular election thereafter, three Trustees shall be elected to serve four-year terms.
   (B)   The Board of Trustees shall be the legislative department of the town government and shall perform such duties and have such powers as may be delegated by statute to it.
   (C)   (1)   Pursuant to C.R.S.§ 31-4-304, the Board of Trustees shall appoint officers of the town.
      (2)   The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Clerk, Treasurer and Town Attorney or shall provide by ordinance for the election of such officers, and may appoint such other officers as it deems necessary for the good government of the corporation, and it shall prescribe, by ordinance, their duties when the same are not defined by law and the compensation or fees they are entitled to receive for their services.
      (3)   At its first meeting following an election, the Board of Trustees shall choose one of the Trustees as Mayor Pro Tem who, in the absence of the Mayor from any meeting of said Board or during the Mayor’s absence from the town or the Mayor’s inability to act, shall perform the Mayor’s duties.
(Prior Code, § 131.2.1) (Ord. 215, passed 12-2-1971; Ord. 577, passed 11-6-2014)