No connections with a water main shall be made without a permit issued and 24-hour notice having been given to the Town Manager. All such connections shall be made and all such work done at the expense of the applicant for service who shall also furnish materials necessary for such work; all such connections shall be made under the supervision of the Water Superintendent and no connection shall be covered until the work has been inspected by him or her or his or her designee. Applications for such connections must be made to the Building Inspector and the fee, according to the following schedule shall be paid.
   (A)   Connections within the town from the effective date of this code, charges assessed to each new water service, based on meter size, will be as follows:
Areas Inside the Town Limits or Annexed
Areas Outside the Town Limits
   (B)   Subdivisions having private parks with maintenance assessed to the owner thereof will be charged an additional water development fee of $1,000 for each acre so developed.
   (C)   Any permit to connect with a town water main issued under the authority of this section shall specify the street address or other legal description of the land or building for the service of which the permit is issued. The permit shall only be valid for connection to the town water mains for service to the land or building described in the permit.
   (D)   Any permit to connect with a town water main issued under the authority of this section shall expire and become null and void one year after the date of issuance thereof, unless connection is made to a town water main under the authority of said permit within such one-year period.
(Prior Code, § 135.2.3) (Ord. 246, passed 12-1-1977; Ord. 272, passed 5-7-1981; Ord. 398, passed 6-6-1996; Ord. 471, passed 5-9-2002; Ord. 577, passed 11-6-2014; Ord. 586, passed 12-3-2015)