(a)   All applications for a certificate of appropriateness shall be filed with the Department of Community Development on forms provided to the Department of Community Development by the Historic Preservation Board. An application shall be deemed filed on the date received by the Department of Community Development, which shall clearly indicate the date of receipt upon said application. Upon receipt of an application for a certificate of appropriateness, the Department of Community Development shall promptly forward it to the secretary of the Historic Preservation Board. All applications shall be in writing and shall include such descriptions, plans, specifications, and other information as may be requested by the Historic Preservation Board. Failure to provide such written information as may be requested by the Historic Preservation Board shall be a proper basis and reason for the denial of a certificate of appropriateness.
   (b)   An applicant may file as many reapplications for a certificate of appropriateness with regard to a particular change as the applicant desires.
   (c)   An application for a certificate of appropriateness shall contain the following, as applicable:
      (1)   A completed application to the Historic Preservation Board;
      (2)   A complete detailed description of the proposed alteration, construction, demolition, removal or other external change to the structures or site elements;
      (3)   A plot plan, legibly drawn and to scale, indicating all existing and proposed structures, drives, walks, signs, and other significant features;
      (4)   A detailed description or sample of materials to be used in the proposed project;
      (5)   Sketches, photographs, and other illustrative material relevant to the proposed project;
      (6)   Applications for the demolition of a structure shall also include:
         A.   Photographic documentation of the structure, inside and out, showing existing conditions;
         B.   A written evaluation of the structure’s current condition and the cause of such structures state of disrepair, as applicable;
         C.   A written statement outlining the reasons for demolition, alternatives to demolition that have been considered and the demolition’s conformance with all existing City ordinances;
         D.   Architectural plans for proposed new construction on the site or reconstruction of the structure, as applicable;
         E.   Any additional information as deemed necessary to review the application by the Board.
   (d)   The application shall be heard at a Board Meeting. The applicant, or his/her representative or agent, is encouraged to be present at the meeting at which action on the request is to occur.
   (e)   When reviewing a certificate of appropriateness application, the Board shall consider if such application is:
      (1)   Appropriate to the preservation of the environmental, architectural, or historic character of the structure and property pursuant to the design criteria established by this chapter;
      (2)   Consistent with the spirit and purposes of this chapter and the “Standards for Rehabilitation” adopted by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, as found in the Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 67.7;
      (3)   In concert with the Archeological Guidelines as prepared by the OHPO;
      (4)   In accordance with the following considerations regarding applications for the demolition of a structure:
         A.   The demolition of the structure will not be detrimental to the character of the area and the City, and will be an improvement of existing conditions;
         B.   The applicant has adequately documented the existing structure for the purpose of historical records.
            (Ord. 041-20. Passed 2-24-20.)