(A)   There is hereby adopted, for the purpose of prescribing regulations and standards governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, the 2017 Ohio Fire Code (also referred to as the Fire Prevention Code), and any and all supplements, modifications, amendments, and subsequent Ohio Fire Codes as may be enacted.
   (B)   The Fire Chief shall file with the Clerk of Council a copy of the Ohio Fire Code, supplements, amendments, and which is hereby incorporated as a part of these Codified Ordinances as fully as if rewritten herein.
   (C)   The Clerk of Council shall keep complete copies of such Code on file for inspection by the public and shall make copies available for distribution to the public, at cost, with brief summaries of any amendments thereto or deletions therefrom. A copy shall be filed with the County Law Library by the Clerk. A copy shall also be filed with the County Public Library by the Clerk.
(Ord. 066-18. Passed 3-12-18.)