(A)   An electrical contractor desiring a license to perform any electrical contracting and the work involved therein shall make application in writing to the Electrical Inspector of the City.
   (B)   Upon receipt of the application, the Electrical Inspector shall certify the same to the City License Clerk, who shall, upon payment by the applicant to the License Bureau of a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), issue to such applicant a license in accordance with such certificate. This license shall be in effect for the balance of the current calendar year and may be renewed annually upon payment of the fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each renewal.
   (C)   No electrical contractor's license shall be issued to an applicant unless:
      (1)   He holds a journeyman electrician's license with the City; or
      (2)   He has, in his permanent employ, a holder of a journeyman electrician's license with the City.
      (3)   The electrical contractor has filed with the City a certificate of public liability insurance in an amount not less than three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage liability insurance, including premises and completed operations liability, blanket contractual and independent contractor's coverage. Such insurance shall be with an insurance company licensed by the State and shall include a provision that said coverage will not be cancelled by the insurance company prior to thirty days advance notice to the City. Any such cancellation shall be considered grounds for the revocation of the license of the contractor.
(Ord. 185-93. Passed 9-27-93; Ord. 157-01. Passed 10-22-01; Ord. 39-11. Passed 2-7-11; Ord. 140-17. Passed 6-19-17; Ord. 121-20. Passed 7-6-20.)