Garages and Fences
1262.01   Requirements for Private and Public Garages, Filling Stations and Stables.
1262.02   Fences.
   Stopping engine at filling station - see TRAF. 438.33
   Variances - see P. & Z. 1244.05 
   Accessory uses in residential Districts - see P. & Z. 1248.11(f)
   Filling stations, garage repair shops, etc., in Business Districts - see P. & Z. 1252.01, 1252.02 
   Gasoline service stations within the fire limits - see B. & H. 1422.04(i), 1422.08
   Construction of public garages - see B. & H. 1422.08
   Construction of attached private garages - see B. & H. 1422.09
   Sprinkle systems required in certain public or private garages - see B. & H. 1448.04(a)
   Barbed wire or electric fences - see GEN. OFF. 660.12