1242.03   AMENDMENTS.
   (A)   Council may, from time to time, on its own motion or on petition, after public notice and hearing, amend the regulations and districts herein established. However, no amendment shall become effective unless it is first submitted for approval to the Planning Commission, which shall be permitted a reasonable time for consideration thereof and report thereon. No amendment disapproved by the Commission shall take effect unless it is passed by two-thirds of the full membership of Council.
   (B)   If an amendment, as provided in subsection (a) hereof, transfers any area to another district by changing the district boundaries, the provisions of this Zoning Code, with regard to buildings or premises existing on or before June 6, 1949, or buildings for which permits were issued prior to June 6, 1949, shall apply to existing buildings or premises in such transferred area for which permits have been issued prior to the passage of such amendment.
(1956 Code Sec. 1313.03)