(a)   The City Engineer shall have lines or markings painted or placed upon the curb and upon the street adjacent to each parking meter for the purpose of designating the parking space for which such meter is to be used, and each vehicle parked adjacent or next to any parking meter shall park within the lines or markings so established. No person shall park any vehicle across any such line or marking so established or park such vehicle in such a position that the same is not entirely within the area designated by such lines or markings.
   (b)   When a parking space in any parking meter zone is parallel with the adjacent curb or sidewalk, any vehicle parked in such space shall be parked so that the foremost part of such vehicle is nearest to the parking meter; when a parking space in any parking meter zone is diagonal to the curb or sidewalk, any vehicle parked in such space shall be parked with the foremost part of such vehicle nearest to such meter.