(a)   Each police officer, including meter maids and police aides, and persons specifically authorized by contract with the City, shall affix to a vehicle found parked in violation of any of the provisions of this Traffic Code, a notice to the owner or operator thereof that such vehicle has been so parked and instructing such owner or operator in regard to the procedure to be followed with respect to furnishing bail bond and satisfying the penalty.
   (b)   Each owner or operator of a vehicle receiving official notice from the Police Department in regard to alleged parking violations shall comply with one of the following alternatives with respect to such notice:
      (1)   Report to the Traffic Violations Bureau in the office of the Clerk of the Lima Municipal Court and deposit such notice and the required bail bond or fine, as stated on the notice, within the time fixed by such Court;
      (2)   Deposit such notice and the required bail bond or fine as stated on the notice, in one of the official depositories designated for such purpose by the Lima Municipal Court, within the time fixed by such Court; or
      (3)   Post such notice along with the required bond or fine as stated on the notice in the United States mail, with proper postage affixed, in such manner as prescribed by the Lima Municipal Court, addressed to the Traffic Violations Bureau, Clerk of the Lima Municipal Court, Hall of Justice, Lima, Ohio, within such time as may be fixed by such Court.
   (c)   Upon failure of the alleged violator to enter a plea of not guilty within the time specified by the Court, the amount of money deposited as a bail bond shall be considered as a penalty and shall be forfeited in full satisfaction of such violation, or upon entering a plea of guilty and upon waiving appearance in Court in the manner prescribed by rule of Court and within the time specified by such rule, the amount of the money deposited as a bail bond shall likewise be considered as a penalty and shall be forfeited in full satisfaction of such violation.
   (d)   In the event that any person charged with violating any of the provisions of this Traffic Code relative to marking desires to enter a plea of not guilty, he shall be permitted to do so and the case shall be filed and docketed in the Court and there determined in the manner provided by law and rule of the Lima Municipal Court.
(Ord. 51-90. Passed 4-9-90.)