For the purpose of nominating and electing officers the provisions of this Charter shall be in effect for any regular Municipal election held not more than eighty (80) days from and after their approval by the electors of the City. For all other purposes this Charter shall be in effect on the first Monday following the first election of officers thereunder, on which day Sections 1 to 131, both inclusive, of the existing Charter of the City of Lima shall be deemed repealed.
   If, however, the provisions of this Charter are approved at an election held in an even numbered year or at an election held in odd numbered year on a day which is more than eighty (80) days before the regular Municipal election of that year, the foregoing provisions in this section as to the time the provisions of this Charter shall take effect shall be held for naught and the following provisions shall apply, namely - the provisions of this Charter shall be in effect for all purposes on the first Monday following their approval by the electors of the City and Sections 1 to 131, both inclusive, of the existing Charter of the City of Lima shall be deemed repealed on that day, the provisions of this Charter shall be in effect for any regular Municipal election held not less than eighty (80) days from and after their approval by the electors of the City.