Moneys appropriated as hereinbefore provided shall not be used for other purposes than those designated in the appropriation ordinance without authority from the Council. The Mayor and the Auditor shall supervise all departmental expenditures, and shall keep such expenditures within the appropriation.
There is hereby established a special fund to be known as the Capital Improvement Fund. Money paid into the Capital Improvement Fund shall be used only for:
(a) Payment of the costs of constructing or acquiring (whether by outright purchase, lease, or lease-purchase and irrespective of whether payment is made in installments or in a lump sum) of capital improvements; or
(b) Payment of debt service on any bonds or notes issued by the City to finance the construction, purchase or acquisition of capital improvements.
As used in this section, "capital improvement" means any property, assets or improvement having an estimated life or period of usefulness of one year or more, and includes, but is not limited to, real estate, buildings, personal property, and interests in real estate, buildings, personal property, equipment, furnishings, site improvements, and reconstruction rehabilitation, renovation, installation, improvement, enlargement and extension of property, assets or improvements having an estimated life or period of usefulness of one year or more. (Enacted 11-8-94)
The Council, the Mayor, or any person or committee authorized by either of them, shall have power to inquire into the conduct of any department, office, officer or employee of the City and to make investigation as to City affairs, and for that purpose may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, and compel testimony, the production of books, papers, and other evidence. It shall be the duty of the Mayor to designate a police officer to serve such subpoenas. The Council shall provide by ordinance the penalty or penalties for contempt in refusing to obey any such subpoena, or to produce such books, papers and other evidence, and shall have the power to punish any such contempt in the manner provided by ordinance.
(A) Every ordinance or resolution passed or adopted by the City Council upon its final passage shall be recorded in a book kept for that purpose, and shall be authenticated by the signature of the presiding officer and Clerk of the Council.
(B) Every ordinance and resolution of a general or permanent nature so passed or adopted by the Council shall be published in a manner prescribed by Council.
(C) Publication of legal notices, advertisements, proclamations, ordinances, and resolutions required to be published by any Municipal body, board, commission, or officer, may be made in the manner provided above for the publication of ordinances and resolutions passed and adopted by the City Council, or as otherwise prescribed by council ordinance, and no other publication of the same shall be required. (Amended 11-5-46; 5-7-13)
Any proposed ordinance may be submitted to the Council by petition signed by electors equal in number to ten (10) percent of the total vote cast in the last preceding regular Municipal election of the City. All petition papers, circulated with respect to any proposed ordinance, shall be uniform in character and shall contain the proposed ordinance in full, and have printed thereon the names and addresses of at least five (5) electors who shall be officially regarded as filing the petition and constitute a committee of the petitioners for the purposes hereinafter named. (Amended 11-6-62)
The circulator of any petition paper shall be an elector of the City. Each signer of a petition shall sign and date their name in ink and write their place of residence by street and number, or by other description sufficient to identify the place. The signatures to any such petition paper need not all be appended to one paper but to each such paper there shall be attached an affidavit by the circulator thereof stating the number of signers to such part of the petition, that the circulator is an elector of the City, that the signatures on the petition paper were affixed in the presence of the circulator and that the circulator believes each signature appended to the paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. (Amended 11-5-63; 5-7-13)
All papers comprising a petition shall be assembled and filed with the Clerk of the Council as one instrument. Within ten (10) days from the filing of a petition the Clerk shall ascertain whether it is signed by the required number of qualified electors in the manner and form prescribed and that it conforms to all requirements of the Charter. Upon the completion of his examination the Clerk shall endorse upon the petition a certificate of the result thereof. (Amended 11-5-63)
If the Clerk determines the petition is insufficient, for any reason, the clerk shall notify each member of the committee of the petitioners. The finding of the insufficiency of a petition shall not prejudice the filing of a new petition for the same purpose. (Amended 5-7-13)
When the Clerk determines the petition to be sufficient, the proposed ordinance shall be submitted to the Council at its next regular meeting and the Council shall at once refer the same to an appropriate committee, which may be the committee of the whole. Provision shall be made for public hearings upon the proposed ordinance before the committee to which it is referred. Thereafter the committee shall report the proposed ordinance to the Council, with its recommendations thereon, not later than sixty days after the date on which the proposed ordinance was submitted to the Council by the Clerk. (Amended 5-7-13)