All applications for a special use permit for a telecommunication tower must include the following:
(A) Identification of the intended provider(s);
(B) Documentation by a registered engineer that the tower has sufficient structural integrity to accommodate more than 1 user;
(C) A statement from the owner indicating intent to allow shared use of the owner and how others will be accommodated;
(D) Evidence that the property owners of residentially zoned property within 300 feet of the site have been notified by the applicant of the proposed tower height and design;
(E) Documentation that the telecommunication tower complies with the federal radio frequency emission standards;
(F) Documentation that towers over 199.9 feet are necessary for a minimal level of service, if applicable;
(G) Screening must be shown on the site plan detailing the type, amount of plants and location; and
(H) Documentation of crumple zones.
(1981 Code, § 845) (Ord. passed 6-28-2004)