§ 154.216 JUNKYARDS.
   Junkyards shall be permitted in I District subject to the following requirements:
   (A)   The site shall have direct access to a major or minor thoroughfare as shown on the Liberty Thoroughfare Plan;
   (B)   No activities shall be permitted within 200 feet of any residential district;
   (C)   Buffers and screens ball be provided as per §§ 154.080 through 154.097;
   (D)   No materials shall be stored closer than 30 feet from the zoning lot lines;
   (E)   Plans for handling hazardous materials shall be submitted along with the application for a special use permit which indicates compliance with all applicable regulations;
   (F)   Signage shall be regulated as per §§ 154.160 through 154.178;
   (G)   No materials shall be permitted to accumulate outside of screened areas or within any public rights-of-way; and
   (H)   Storage of combustible materials shall be in accordance with NFPA standards. The Fire Department with jurisdiction over this proposed site shall review plans for storage of combustible materials. A statement of compliance with NFPA standards shall be submitted along with the application for SUP. In no case, shall combustible materials be permitted within 30 feet of a zoning lot line.
(1981 Code, § 827) (Ord. passed 6-28-2004)