   A parochial or private college or seminary shall be permitted in R40, R12, R6 and RMF districts subject to the following standards. Customary accessory uses to colleges shall also be permitted. This does not include sorority or fraternity houses.
   (A)   The site for any parochial or private college or seminary shall have an area of at least 10 acres, plus 5 acres for each 100 pupils, or major portion thereof, in excess of 400 pupils. A site shall have a frontage on a major or minor thoroughfare as shown on the Liberty Thoroughfare Plan.
   (B)   (1)   All buildings shall be located at least 100 feet from street lines and at least 50 feet from all other property lines.
      (2)   Grandstands, gymnasiums, central heating plants and similar buildings shall be set back at least 100 feet from all property lines.
      (3)   The distance between buildings shall be at least the height of the taller building. Total coverage of the site by all buildings shall be limited to 30%.
      (4)   Dormitories and single-family dwellings shall be permitted as accessory buildings, provided that the minimum area of the site shall be increased by at least 1,000 square feet for each dormitory bed and by at least the minimum lot area of the applicable zoning district for each single-family dwelling.
      (5)   Use of dormitories or dwellings shall be limited exclusively to students, teachers or other members of the staff of the school or college, and a dormitory or dwelling shall not subsequently be sold or rented as a private residence, or for any other legal use, unless the building and any required lot surrounding it shall meet all regulations of the district in which it is located.
   (C)   Any playgrounds or playfields shall be located not closer than 50 feet to any property line.
   (D)   Buffering and screening shall be installed and maintained as set forth in §§ 154.080 through 154.097.
   (E)   Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with §§ 154.135 through 154.147.
(1981 Code, § 818) (Ord. passed 6-28-2004)