   (a)   Materials submittals and testing requirements.
      (1)   The developer shall submit product data for all material proposed for use along with notarized certification by the supplier that the material meets or exceeds the appropriate specification. These submittals shall be furnished to the Village in four copies a minimum of fifteen days prior to the date the material is to be incorporated into the work. The Village will review the submittals and advise the developer of their acceptability in writing. Incorporation of material into the work prior to receiving Village approval shall be cause for its removal and replacement with approved material at the sole expense of the developer should the initially proposed material be disapproved.
      (2)   Additional requirements for specific materials are as follows.
         A.   Embankment, subgrade, subbase and base materials. The developer shall provide supplier furnished gradation data and certification that the material meets the appropriate specification. The developer also secures the services of an independent testing laboratory to obtain representative material samples, determine standard proctor data, field check placement/compaction to ensure specified density is obtained and furnish the Village with appropriate reports of these tests.
         B.   Asphalt concrete. Asphalt concrete pavement shall only be placed between April 15 and October 15 unless written approval is secured from the Village for other dates. The developer shall provide the supplier furnished Job Mix Formula (JMF) along with the certification noted above. The developer shall also secure the services of an independent testing laboratory to review the JMF and furnish written results of this review to the Village a minimum of ten days before the material is to be placed. The developer's testing laboratory shall also provide monitoring of the suppliers plant site quality control during production, job site sampling of the mix as placed (for pay purposes) and laboratory testing of the samples. The laboratory shall than provide a report of their activities along with their recommendation of the pay factor to the Village. For sampling purposes, the lot size shall be one days production and placement of each material.
         C.   Portland cement concrete pavement. The developer shall provide supplier furnished mix design, test results and certification that the material complies with specification. The developer also secures the services of an independent testing laboratory to review the mix design, provide monitoring of the supplier's quality control during production, monitor the placement including concrete temperature, entrained air and slump, cast and test specimen beams (minimum of two per each days placement), core for determination of pavement thickness (for pay purposes) and calculate the pay factor. The laboratory shall then provide a report of their activities and test results along with their recommendation of the pay factor to the Village.
   (b)   Construction improvements inspection.
      (1)   Responsible officials. The Village Engineer or his representative shall be responsible for the inspection of all improvements.
      (2)   Authority and duties. The Village Engineer or representative shall be authorized to inspect the construction of all improvements and all materials furnished. The inspection may extend to all or any part of the improvements and to the preparation, fabrication, or manufacture of materials to be used. The Village Engineer shall designate the inspector and the inspector shall not be authorized to revoke, alter, or waive any requirements of the improvement specifications or plans. He shall be authorized to call the attention of the contractor to any failures of the work or materials to conform to the improvement specifications and contract. He shall have the authority to reject materials which do not meet the specification requirements or suspend the portion of the work involved. Periodic inspection during the installation of improvements shall be made by the Village Engineer to insure conformity with the approved plans and specifications as provided in the subdivider's construction agreement.
      (3)   Final inspection. On completion of all improvements, the sudivider shall request in writing a final inspection by the Village Engineer as required under R.C. S 711.091. The Village Engineer shall make a final inspection of all street improvements, storm and sanitary sewer improvement, and water improvements.
      (4)   "As-built" drawings. Upon completion of the improvements and before the performance bond is released (or the plat receives approval when a performance bond is not used), the subdivider shall cause the improvement plans to be revised showing any and all changes made during the course of construction. One set of "as-built" reproducible plans and two sets of "as-built" prints shall be furnished to the Village.
   (c)   Waterlines. Waterlines shall be disinfected in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C651 and hydrostatic tested in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C600. Normal amounts of water required to fill, flush and hydrostatic test lines will be furnished by the Village at no cost to the developer. Sampling and bacteriological testing will be provided by the Village at no cost to the developer using developer installed taps provided for this purpose. The developer shall ensure adequate advance notification is provided to the Village when these activities are planned.
   (d)   Sanitary sewers. Before acceptance, sanitary sewers shall pass the following tests, as appropriate. All methods, materials and equipment shall meet the requirements of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
      (1)   Infiltration test. Test shall be made from manhole to manhole or as ordered by the Village Engineer. The maximum allowable infiltration shall be 200 gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile per day.
      (2)   Exfiltration test. Exfiltration test may be required by the Village Engineer. The loss allowance will be increased an additional ten percent (10%) for each additional two foot of head over a basic two-foot minimum internal head.
      (3)   Low pressure air test. The air test consists of applying low-pressure air to the section of sewer line being tested and recording the time in minutes for the internal air pressure to decrease from 3.5 to 2.5 pounds per square inch. The time elapsed shall not be less than the time shown for the given size pipe per 100 foot of pipe in a table (based upon equations from ASTM C828) which will be furnished by the Village Engineer.
         (Ord. 93-31. Passed 11-15-93.)
      (4)   All flexible pipe sewers require deflection testing not earlier than thirty days after all trench backfill has been placed when granular backfill is used; ninety days when earth backfill is used. Where possible, electronic equipment shall be used to measure and record deflection. If such equipment is not available, acceptable manually propelled mandrels may be used. No pipe shall exceed a deflection of five percent (5%).
      (5)   The Village may require that portions of the sanitary sewers constructed be televised if there is reason to believe that said sections have not been constructed in accordance with established Village standards or if that portion fails either the pressure test or deflection test required in (1) and (2).
   (e)   Storm sewers. Before acceptance, storm sewers shall pass the following tests, as appropriate.
      (1)   All piping other than reinforced concrete pipe require deflection testing not earlier than thirty days after all trench backfill has been placed when granular backfill is used; ninety days when earth backfill is used. Where possible, electronic equipment shall be used to measure and record deflection. If such equipment is not available, acceptable manually propelled mandrels may be used. No pipe shall exceed a deflection of five percent (5%).
      (2)   The Village may require that portion of the storm sewer constructed by the developer be televised if there is reason to believe that said sections have not been constructed in accordance with established standards, or if the section fails the deflection test in subsection (1) above.
         (Ord. 95-6. Passed 3-6-95.)