(a)   All electric current conductors shall be installed as per Section 1179.04 and as per utility company specifications. Above ground pads for transformers will be permitted.
   (b)   Gas mains, where proposed, shall be installed in the green belt between the sidewalk and curb with a minimum of 30 inches of cover. Service lines shall be installed with a minimum of 18 inches cover as per utility company specifications.
(Ord. 81-56, passed 12-28-81)
   (c)   Street lights shall be provided at each intersection, located in the curb lawn between the curb and sidewalk, and a post light shall also be installed on each lot, located within eight (8) feet from the back edge of the walk to provide adequate pedestrian lighting. If post lights are not provided, then streetlights shall be installed along each street at a spacing determined by the Village Engineer. Such lights shall be photocell controlled.
   (d)   Streetlights shall be a decorative post lamp style, Hadco model VS60HB5N1120 120 volt-250 watt high-pressure sodium lamp on a Hadco P1400x14 post or approved equal. All wiring necessary to provide power to the street lights shall be enclosed in conduit and buried at a depth of 18" or greater.
(Ord. 02-08. Passed 3-18-02.)