(a)    Monuments shall be placed on all block corners, angle points, and points of curves in streets, street intersections, and lot corners. The monuments shall be of ferrous metal, 3/4 inch in diameter and shall be at least 30 inches long.
   (b)   Where the land in lots adjoining a street is lower than the gutter level in the street, the land shall be filled to a level which will provide for drainage of storm water into the gutters, unless an alternate drainage system for lots has been approved. In the filling, care should be taken to preserve existing trees which have permanent value.
(Ord. 81-56. Passed 12-28-81.)
   (c)   Erosion and sedimentation control. Measures appropriate for control of erosion and sedimentation shall be incorporated into the improvement plans and executed during construction. The following general guidelines are provided for these purposes.
      (1)   Disturb only the areas needed for construction. Phase construction as necessary to limit the total amount of disturbed area exposed at any one time.
      (2)   Remove only those trees, shrubs and grasses that must be removed for construction; protect the rest to preserve their aesthetic and erosion-control values.
      (3)   Stockpile topsoil and protect it with anchored straw mulch.
      (4)   Install sediment basins, diversion dikes and silt fences before disturbing the land that drains into them.
      (5)   Install streets, curbs, water mains, electric and telephone cables, storm drains and sewers in advance of home construction.
      (6)   Install erosion- and sediment-control facilities. These facilities shall be maintained in effective working condition during construction and until the drainage area has been permanently stabilized.
      (7)   Temporarily stabilize each segment of graded or otherwise disturbed land, including the sediment-control devices not otherwise stabilized, by seeding and mulching or by mulching alone. As construction is completed, permanently stabilize each segment with perennial vegetation and structural measures.
      (8)   "Loose-pile" material that is excavated for construction purposes. Keep it "loose-piled" until it is used for foundation backfill or until the lot is ready for final grading and permanent vegetation.
      (9)   Stabilize commercial and industrial sites as soon as possible after starting construction. Stabilize residential sites within four months after starting construction. Backfill, compact, seed and mulch utility trenches within fifteen days after opening. Stabilize street right-of-way behind curbs within thirty days after curbs are placed. Stabilize all disturbed areas except those limited areas to be actively worked during the winter months before the end of the construction season.
      (10)   Level diversion dikes, sediment basins and silt traps after areas that drain into them are stabilized. Establish permanent vegetation on these areas. Sediment basins to be retained for storm-water detention shall be seeded to permanent vegetation as soon as possible after they are built.
      (11)   Discharge water from outlet structures at nonerosive velocities.
      (12)   Design and retain debris basins as detention reservoirs so that peak runoff from the development area is no greater than that before the development was established.
         (Ord. 91-35. Passed 5-20-91.)