(a)   All appeals to the Planning Commission from any decision of the Zoning Inspector shall be filed within 15 days of the decision appealed. It shall be initiated by filing a written appeal and must be accompanied by the fee required by Section 1155.04.
   (b)   All requests for variances or conditional permits to the Planning Commission shall be filed with the Planning Commission and shall be accompanied with the appropriate fee required by Section 1155.04.
   (c)   Hearings on the appeals or on application for variances shall be held at the next regular Planning Commission meeting occurring more than 15 days after the application is filed or at a special meeting called for this purpose. The 15-day requirement herein may be waived by the Commission for good cause shown.
   (d)   At the hearing on variances, all testimony shall be received under oath or affirmation, and a verbatim record of the proceedings shall be kept. The applicant shall be allowed, upon application and deposit of fees, the issuance of subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses. All testimony shall be subject to cross-examination.
   (e)   The Commission shall render its decision within a reasonable time after the hearing not to exceed 60 days, and advise the applicant in writing, thereof.