Manufacturing and wholesaling of:
   (a)   Bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, toiletries, and food products except fish or meat products, sauerkraut, yeast, and rendering or refining fats or oils.
   (b)   Cold storage plants, dairy product plants, bottling plants, and similar beverage or food processing operations except breweries and the slaughtering or processing of meat or fish products, rendering or refining of fats or oils, the production and packaging of pickles, sauerkraut, yeast, and any animal or pet foods.
   (c)   Film processing, enlargement, photo reproduction, printing, copying, binding and mailing activities.
   (d)   Lumber yards and home improvement centers for the sale, either retail or wholesale, of building and construction products, supplies, and materials.
   (e)   Manufacturing of consumer plastic goods.
   (f)   Manufacturing, processing or assembly of products including apparel, electric and electrical appliances, components, instruments and devices; household goods; musical instruments; toys; novelties.
   (g)   Offices and workshops for building trades such as general contractors, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, electrical contractors, masonry contractors, excavators, sign fabrication and erection, and similar construction trades.
   (h)   Production of medical equipment and supplies, including prosthetic devices.
   (i)   Public sewage disposal plant.
   (j)   Public utility and public service buildings and uses.
   (k)   Research and design, engineering and testing, and similar product development activities.
   (l)   Sales lots and service facilities for the sale or service of agricultural equipment, new and used cars; RV/boat/commercial vehicles and construction equipment, and repair services for autos, trucks, equipment, and machinery including specialty shops for engine repair or rebuilding, body shops including painting, radiator repair, tire repair and sales, auto glass repair and replacement, and the sale of parts or materials incidental to the above uses.
   (m)   Self-storage facilities including RV/boat/commercial vehicle parking/storage.
   (n)   Similar manufacturing, processing, service or warehousing and distribution operations, which will not have a detrimental impact on adjacent land uses, due to their generation of smoke, odor, noise, vibration, or discharge of pollutants to the atmosphere or water.
   (o)   Warehousing, distribution centers and wholesale trade operations, including motor freight terminals and offices (retail sales not permitted).
   (p)   Welding, machining and other metal fabrication operations except casting and forging operations.
   (q)   Woodworking, cabinet making, upholstering, and other fabrication of furniture, home and office fixtures, or accessories.
   (r)   Wireless telecommunications facilities subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   The base of such wireless telecommunication tower (tower) shall be surrounded by a fence eight foot in height with a locked gate and located as close as it is practical to the tower. Only two gate entrances shall be allowed for each tower.
      (2)   A green belt of living plant material of at least seven feet in height and year-round opacity shall be planted around the fence to shield accessory buildings, the base of the tower and the fence from public view, with exception to the gate entrance(s).
      (3)   No lights shall be permitted on the tower except those specifically required by federal law or regulation.
      (4)   The site shall be a minimum of the height of the tower from the nearest parcel of land zoned or used for residential purposes.
      (5)   Underground wiring shall be required.
      (6)   No employees shall be permitted at the tower site on a regular basis.
      (7)   If the tower is abandoned, it shall be removed within 90 days of its last date of operation.
      (8)   A sign not exceeding two square feet with a 24-hour emergency number shall be posted on the gate.
      (9)   No permanent handholds or footholds shall be permitted any closer to the ground that 15 feet.
      (10)   Appropriate building and electrical permits will be obtained and all construction shall be in accordance with the appropriate building and electrical codes.
      (11)   The applicant shall demonstrate that all less intrusive alternatives and locations including leasing space on existing towers are not feasible for its operation.
   (s)   Accessory buildings and uses associated with primary/permitted uses.
   (t)   Off-street parking and loading areas.
      (Ord. 98-44. Passed 10-8-98.)
   (u)   Adult entertainment facilities subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   No adult entertainment business shall be permitted in a location which is within 500 feet of another adult entertainment business.
      (2)   No adult entertainment business shall be permitted in a location which is within 1,000 feet of any church, any public or private school, day care, any park, any playground, or any social services facility or neighborhood center.
      (3)   No adult entertainment business shall be permitted in a location which is within 500 feet of any residence or boundary of any residential district.
      (4)   Any material that represents or visually depicts specified anatomical areas or specified sexual activities as defined in this Zoning Code shall not be permitted to be displayed in a manner that it is visible from any public right of way. (Ord. 05-25. Passed 6-6-05.)