It is the policy of the Municipality that meters be read for at least one quarter each year by a representative of the Water Department. For the remaining quarters, a meter reading card will be mailed to the customer or left at the premises and he/she is expected to read the meter and return the readings on the card to the Water Department. If a meter is not read and no card is received, an estimated billing will be calculated. If billings must be calculated for two consecutive quarters, a warning letter will be mailed to the customer regarding the requirement to return meter readings. If a third consecutive estimated billing is necessary, the Administrative Director may require the installation of a remote reading meter and the additional cost of such meter will be placed on the water/sewer account of that customer. The cost of said remote reading meter shall be allocated over the next four billing periods. If the Water Department is unable to gain access to the property to install the remote meter, the water service may be terminated following proper notice.
(1980 Code 51.18)