(a)   Every water service shall be equipped with a water meter secured through the Administrative Director or approved by the Administrative Director. Water meters may be new or used and must be tested and approved by the Administrative Director or his authorized agents. No meter smaller than three-fourths inch shall be installed. The cost of furnishing three-fourths inch or one inch water meters is included in the tapping fees. Meters larger than one inch shall be supplied by the customer. All water meters are the property of the Municipality. Two inch and larger water meters shall be of the compound type.
   (b)   For those water connections where there is no suitable location for a water meter, a water meter box or water meter vault shall be required at the expense of the property owner. Such water meter box or vault must be approved by the Administrative Director.
   (c)   Each meter shall be provided with a shut-off valve on inlet piping. Such shut-offs shall be readily accessible. Each service connection shall be provided with a ground around the meter.
   (d)   Meters must be installed in such manner and place that will make them readily accessible for reading. If meters must be installed in a location that prohibits convenient reading, a remote reading meter may be required.
(1980 Code 51.14)