A.   Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for the owner or person having charge, care, custody or control of any dog to allow such dog to attack, chase or worry any person, any domestic animal, any species of hoofed protected wildlife, or domestic fowl. "Worry", as used in this section, shall mean to harass by tearing, snapping, chasing, biting, shaking with the teeth or other similar threatening actions.
   B.   Owner Liability: The owner in violation of subsection A of this section shall be strictly liable for violation of this section. In addition to being subject to prosecution under subsection A of this section, the owner of such dog shall also be liable in damages to any person injured or to the owner of any animal injured or destroyed thereby.
   C.   Defenses: The following shall be considered in mitigating the penalties or damages or in dismissing the charge:
      1.   That the dog was properly confined on the premises;
      2.   That the dog was deliberately or maliciously provoked.
   D.   Dogs May Be Killed: Any person may kill a dog while it is committing any of the acts specified in subsection A of this section or while such dog is being pursued thereafter. (Ord., 10-17-1990)