It shall be unlawful for any person:
   A.   Prohibited: To maltreat or torture any dog, or have authority to kill any dog in an inhumane manner. (1980 Code § 13-248)
   B.   Treat In Cruel And Inhumane Manner: To overdrive, overload, drive when overloaded, overwork, torture, cruelly beat, mutilate or needlessly kill, or carry or transport in any vehicle or other conveyance in a cruel and inhumane manner, any animal or cause any of these acts to be done. (1980 Code § 13-231A)
   C.   Abandon: To abandon or turn out at large any sick, diseased or disabled animal; but such animal shall, when rendered useless by reason of sickness or other disability, be killed by the owner thereof and its carcass disposed of in such manner as to create no nuisance or hazard to health. (1980 Code § 13-222)
   D.   Kill Or Poison:
      1.   To wilfully kill any domestic animal. (1980 Code § 13-224; amd. 2002 Code)
      2.   To wilfully or maliciously administer or cause to be administered poison of any sort whatsoever to any dog or other animal the property of another with the intent to injure or destroy such dog or other animal, or to wilfully or maliciously place any poison or poisoned food where the same is accessible to any dog or other animal. (1980 Code § 13-255)
   E.   Fail To Provide Care: To fail to provide any animal in his charge or custody with necessary sustenance, drink and protection from the elements, or cause any of these acts to be done. (1980 Code § 13-231B)
   F.   Maintain Place Of Exhibition: To maintain any place where fowl or any animals are suffered to fight upon exhibition or for sport upon any wager. (1980 Code § 13-231C)
   G.   Intentionally Exhibit: To intentionally exhibit any stud, horse or bull or other animal indecently, or let any male animal to any female animal for the purpose of providing entertainment or viewing to any person. (1980 Code § 13-231D)