A. Issuance: The city recorder shall issue to each licensee at the time of delivery of his license, a badge which shall contain the words "licensed solicitor", "licensed transient merchant", or "licensed peddler", as the case may be, for which the application was made and the license issued, and the number of the license, in letters and figures easily discernible from a distance of five feet (5'). Such badge shall, during the time peddlers or solicitors are engaged in the business for which they are licensed, be worn constantly by them on the front of their outer garment in such a way as to be conspicuous.
B. Exhibit License: Any person licensed pursuant to this chapter shall exhibit such license at the request of any citizen of the city. (1980 Code § 9-456)
C. Enforcement: It shall be the duty of any law enforcement official to require any person seen soliciting, canvassing or peddling, and who is not known by such officer to be duly licensed, to produce his or her license and to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
D. Expiration Of License: All licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire on the date specified on the license. (1980 Code § 9-456; amd. 2002 Code)