A. Verification; Filing: All applications for licenses authorized by this chapter shall be verified and filed with the city recorder. The application must state the applicant's name in full and that he understands and has read and complied with the requirements and possesses the qualifications specified in the alcoholic beverage control act and this chapter. If the applicant is a copartnership, the names and addresses of all partners and if a corporation, the names and addresses of all officers and directors, must be stated.
B. Applicant Subscription: The application must be subscribed by the applicant, who shall state under oath that the facts therein contained are true. (1980 Code § 9-417; amd. Ord. 97-1, 10-15-1997)
C. Referral To Law Enforcement: All applications filed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be referred to city law enforcement officials for inspection and report. The city law enforcement officials shall, when possible, within thirty (30) days after receiving such application, make report to the city council of the general reputation and character of the persons who habitually frequent such place, the nature and kind of business conducted at such place by the applicant or by any other persons or by the applicant at any other place; whether the place is or has been conducted in a lawful, quiet and orderly manner; the nature and kind of entertainment, if any, at such place; whether gambling is or has been permitted on the premises or by the applicant at any other place; and the proximity of such premises to any school or church. The city law enforcement officials shall also add to such report their recommendation as to whether or not the application should be granted. (1980 Code § 4-418; amd. 2002 Code)