The design of the preliminary and final plats of the subdivision in relation to streets, blocks, lots, open spaces and other design factors shall be in harmony with design standards recommended by the Planning Commission and by other departments and agencies of the City government. All proposed roads shall be consistent with the current grid/block pattern of north-south and east-west oriented roads established in Lewiston. An exception may only be granted if the grid pattern cannot be maintained due to steep slopes, waterways, wetlands, or other natural features. Design standards shall be approved by the City Council and shall include provisions as follows:
   A.   Blocks shall not exceed one thousand six hundred fifty feet (1,650') in length from centerline to centerline of roads.
   B.   Blocks shall be wide enough to adequately accommodate two (2) tiers of lots.
   C.   Dedicated walkways through the block may be required where access is necessary to a point designated by the Planning Commission. Such walkways shall be a minimum of six feet (6') in width, but may be required to be wider where determined necessary by the Planning Commission. The subdivider shall surface the full width of the walkway with a concrete surface, install a chainlink fence or its equal at least four feet (4') high on each side and the full length of each walkway and provide, in accordance with the standards, rules and regulations, barriers at each walkway entrance to prevent the use of the walkway by any motor vehicle or by any other nonmotorized vehicle wider than four feet (4').
   D.   Blocks intended for business or industrial use shall be designated specifically for such purposes with adequate space set aside for off street parking and delivery facilities.
   E.   The lot arrangement and design shall be such that lots will provide satisfactory and desirable sites for buildings, and be properly related to topography, to the character of surrounding development and the existing requirements.
   F.   All lots shown on the preliminary and final plats must conform to the minimum requirements of the zoning title for the zone or proposed zone in which the subdivision is located and to the minimum requirements of the County Board of Health or other applicable agencies if not connected to City sewer and/or water systems.
   G.   Each lot shall abut on a publicly dedicated street shown on the subdivision plat or on an existing publicly dedicated street, which is more than twenty six feet (26') wide. Double frontage lots shall be prohibited except where unusual conditions make other designs undesirable.
   H.   Side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles, or radial to the street lines.
   I.   In general, all remnants of lots below minimum size must be added to adjacent lots, rather than allowed to remain as unusable parcels.
   J.   Protection strips are prohibited.
   K.   Subdivisions for nonagricultural purposes in the Agricultural Zone may only be created on Class C roads existing at the time the subdivision is proposed. (Ord. 13-01, 4-16-2013)