A.   Established By Resolution: The rates, penalty fee for delinquency in payment, connection fee, reservoir fee, inspection fee and other charges incidental to connection and services from the city water system shall be fixed from time to time by resolution enacted by the city council. The city council may from time to time promulgate rules for levying, billing, guaranteeing and collecting charges for water services and all other rules necessary for the management and control of the water system. Rates for services furnished shall be uniform with respect to each class or classes of service established or that may hereafter be established. (1980 Code § 14-138)
   B.   Special Rates: The city council may from time to time fix by agreement or resolution special rates and conditions for users using exceptionally large amounts of water service or making use of the water system under exceptional circumstances, upon such terms and conditions as they may deem proper. (1980 Code § 14-139)
   C.   Connection Cost: The city shall collect from such applicants the cost of connecting the service pipe to the water mains, which amount shall be set by the city council by resolution or ordinance. All water users shall be required to install and maintain a stop and waste cock to be placed as to enable the water to be shut off from the plumbing equipment of the premises. (1980 Code § 14-118)
   D.   Monthly Service Fee And Termination: The owner, tenant or occupant of any premises served by the city water system shall each month pay the minimum service fee plus all charges for excess water used over and above the minimum unless the owner, tenant or occupant makes a request in writing that a particular water service be turned off. There shall be no fee for having the city turn off the water. However, the owner, tenant or occupant will be required to make a written request and pay a fee in such amount as established by resolution of the city council as expenses to have the water turned back on. (1980 Code § 14-128; amd. 2002 Code)
   E.   Due Date: A billing statement for water service charges (and charges for other services may also be included), shall be furnished to all users of the water system monthly, quarterly or at such other intervals as the city council may from time to time by resolution direct; and payment thereof shall be due thirty (30) days after the billing date indicated on the statement and shall be delinquent thereafter. Payment for water transportation facilities and measuring devices shall be due in advance.
   F.   Liability Of Property Owner:
      1.   Tenant's Use Of System: In case any application for water service is made by the tenant of the property owner, as a condition to granting the same, the owner or his duly authorized agent shall be and is hereby required, in consideration of the granting of such application, to execute an agreement with the city that the owner will be responsible and pay for all water service charges, water transportation facilities and/or water measuring devices furnished such tenant or any other occupant of the property described in the application, in case such tenant or occupant shall fail to pay for the same according to the provisions of this chapter. Whenever tenants or persons are using the water system, the owner of the premises shall be deemed and held responsible for all charges and costs of the water provided. (Ord., 11-20-1996)
      2.   Utility Services Agreement; Agreement Of Owner Form: The form for a written utility service agreement and agreement of owner, if applicable, is attached to the ordinance codified herein, which is on file in the city office, and is hereby adopted as the agreement form to be utilized by all applicants for utility services from the city. The city recorder or other official responsible for utility services within the city shall require each applicant and owner, if applicable, to complete, execute and file such agreement with the city before any application for water utility services will be considered and granted. (Ord., 11-20-1996; amd. 2002 Code)
   G.   Termination Of Service For Failure To Pay: In case the owner or the tenant, or occupant of an owner, as provided in this chapter, shall fail to pay all water service charges, for water transportation facilities, and/or water measuring devices furnished such owner, tenant or occupant on or before the due date for payment in accordance with the terms of this chapter, the city may, after fifteen (15) days' written notice, cause the water to be shut off from such premises and shall not be required to turn the same on again until all arrears for water furnished shall be paid in full, plus a reconnection fee. The exercise of this right by the city shall be in addition to any other remedy available to the city by law, to collect delinquent amounts owing for water, water transportation facilities and water measuring devices. (Ord., 11-20-1996)
   H.   Complaints; Corrections; Indigent Persons: The city council is hereby constituted a board of equalization of water rates to hear complaints and make corrections of any assessments deemed to be illegal, unequal or unjust. They may, if they see fit, rebate all or any part of the water bill of any indigent person. (1980 Code § 14-140)