§ 94.09  EXCEPTIONS.
   This chapter shall not apply to any of the following:
   (A)   A governmental agency, including its employees or officials, acting within the scope of its functions or conducting official governmental business;
   (B)   Uses, activities, or events being conducted on the public properties of the city, or the facilities thereon, that do not have the effect, intent, purpose, or propensity to attract the notice of people who are not a part of such use, activity, or event shall not require a permit hereunder, except that any use, activity, or event on the public properties of the city, or the facilities thereon, that is otherwise prohibited or made unlawful by the laws of the United States, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, or other ordinances of the County of Hancock, Kentucky or the City of Lewisport, Kentucky shall remain prohibited or unlawful;
   (C)   Events that are sponsored by the city within the scope of its functions;
   (D)   Students going to and from school classes or participating in educational activities, provided that such conduct is under the immediate direction and supervision of the proper school authorities; and
   (E)   Funeral processions.
(Ord. 10-2, passed 5-20-10)