(A)   General. This commission shall be known as the Hancock Urban Planning Commission and is hereby created and established as authorized by KRS Chapter 100, and such shall be organized and empowered as stated herein. Upon the appointment and subsequent approval of members, election of officers, and adoption of its by-laws, its existence shall begin subject to the provisions of KRS Chapter 100. The Commission may engage in planning operations within its jurisdiction which shall be illustrated on a map marked "Exhibit A" and attached to Ord. passed - -80, and made a part hereof by reference.
   (B)   Membership.
      (1)   The Hancock Urban Planning Commission shall consist of 12 members. The Judge of Hancock County shall appoint four members from within the unincorporated areas of the county and within the jurisdiction of the Hancock Urban Planning Commission boundary. The Mayor of Lewisport shall appoint four members from within the city. The Mayor of Hawesville shall appoint four members from within the City of Hawesville. All of the above appointments must be approved by the respective legislative bodies, and shall be known as citizen members.
      (2)   The term of office of the members shall be four years, except the original terms shall be staggered so a proportionate number are to serve one, two and three years respectively. Reappointments of appointments are to be for four years to fill vacancies and shall be made in order to continue the staggered pattern.
      (3)   All vacancies, whether by resignation, dismissal, or expiration of the term of office, shall be filled within 60 days by the appropriate appointing authority or as otherwise provided for in KRS 100.147. A member may be removed by the appropriate appointing authority for inefficiency, neglect of duty, malfeasance, or conflict of interest. The removed member shall have the right of appeal in the manner prescribed by KRS 100.157.
      (4)   Members shall serve without compensation, but reimbursement of expenses may be authorized.
      (5)   The oath of office shall be administered to all members of the Commission before entering upon their duties and shall be administered as provided by law.
   (C)   Officers and staff. The Commission shall elect a Chairperson, and any other officers which it deems necessary. The term of office shall be one year with eligibility for re-election. The Commission may employ a staff as it may deem necessary for its work and may contract with professional planners and other parties for such services as it may require.
   (D)   Meetings. The Commission shall conduct each year at least 12 regular meetings for the transaction of its business. The by-laws adopted by the Commission shall reflect the schedule of regular meetings; the manner in which notice shall be given; date; time; place; and the subject or subjects to be discussed, as well as the method of calling and conducting special meetings. A simple majority of the total membership shall constitute a quorum. After a quorum has been established a simple majority of that quorum can transact any official business except in those instances where there is to be an adoption or amendment of the commission's by-laws or elements of the comprehensive plan or regulations; then a vote of the simple majority of the total membership shall be necessary.
   (E)   By-laws. The Commission shall adopt and approve its by-laws before it may properly transact any business. The by-laws shall set forth the procedures, rules, and regulations necessary for the Commission to conduct its business. The by-laws shall describe the method for administration of funds, and provide for an annual audit thereof.
   (F)   Powers and duties. The Commission shall have general powers necessary to carry out its functions in accordance with this section and KRS Chapter 100. The Commission may be assigned any powers, duties and functions related to urban renewal or public housing by the Fiscal Court of Hancock County or by the City Councils of Lewisport and Hawesville.
(Ord. passed - -80)