   For purposes of this subchapter, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them:
   AIR PISTOLS. Any hand weapon that propels a projectile by means of compressed air or carbon dioxide. AIR PISTOLS shall include BB guns.
   AIR RIFLES. Any shoulder weapon that propels a projectile by means of compressed air or carbon dioxide. AIR RIFLES shall include BB guns.
   FIREARMS. Any weapon, other than a pistol, from which is propelled any missile, projectile or bullet by means of explosives or gas and shall include air and BB guns.
   FIXED AMMUNITION. Gun ammunition of the type comprising a cartridge case with primer, a propellant charge and a projectile or projectiles (fused or unfused), all of these components being assembled as a unit for one firing.
   PISTOL. Any handgun capable of propelling fixed ammunition. Shall have the meaning defined by M.S. § 624.712.
   RIFLE. Any shoulder weapon designated as a rifle, capable of propelling fixed ammunition.
   SHOTGUN. Any smooth bore weapon designated as a shotgun capable of propelling fixed ammunition.
   WEAPONS. Dagger, metal knuckles, switchblade, stiletto or other dangerous or deadly weapon.
(Ord. 551, passed 7-27-2015)
Statutory reference:
   Dangerous exhibitions of weapons, see M.S. §§ 609.02, 609.66 and 609.63
   Machine guns, see M.S. § 609.67
   Silencers, see M.S.§ 609.66
   Spring guns, see M.S. §§ 609.205 and 609.665
   Switchblade knives, see M.S. § 609.66