Whenever, in the opinion of those persons who are selected by resolution of the City Council, an emergency exists in the city or in a section or section thereof because of snow, freezing rain, sleet, ice, snow drifts or other natural phenomenons which create or are likely to create hazardous conditions which impede or are likely to impede the free movement of fire, police, snow removal equipment, emergency or other vehicles of traffic for the safety and welfare of the community, those persons who are selected by resolution of the City Council may declare an emergency to exist until a time as the emergency is terminated by those persons who are selected by resolution of the City Council. Notice of the emergency shall be given by the news media as radio, television or press which news media shall be requested to cooperate with the city and when the notice is given, the same shall constitute due and proper notice. The notice shall specify the time at which the emergency shall commence. Notice of the termination of the emergency shall also be given by the news media and the notice shall specify the time at which the emergency is terminated.
(Ord. 363, passed 7-26-1982; Ord. 394, passed 1-25-1988; Ord. 402, passed 6-26-1989)