   (A)   All development must:
      (1)   Be designed (or modified) and adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy;
      (2)   Be constructed with materials and equipment resistant to flood damage;
      (3)   Be constructed by methods and practices that minimize flood damage;
      (4)   Be constructed with heating, ventilation, duct work, and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities elevated at least up to the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation (RFPE). Water, sewage, electrical, and other utility lines below the RFPE shall be constructed so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within them during conditions of flooding;
      (5)   Be reasonably safe from flooding and consistent with the need to minimize flood damage;
      (6)   Be assured to provide adequate drainage to reduce exposure to flood hazards;
      (7)   Not be detrimental to uses in adjoining areas; and
      (8)   Not adversely affect the efficiency or restrict the flood carrying capacity of the channel and adjoining floodplain of any tributary watercourse or drainage system.
      (9)   Ensure that any fill or other materials are protected from erosion, discharge, and sediment entering surface waters by the use of vegetative cover or other methods as soon as possible.
   (B)   Materials that, in time of flooding, are buoyant, flammable, explosive, or could be injurious to human, animal, or plant life shall be stored at or above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation (RFPE), floodproofed, or protected by other measures as approved by the Zoning Administrator. Storage of materials likely to cause pollution of the waters, such as sewage; sand; rock; wrecked and discarded equipment; dredged spoil; municipal, agricultural or industrial waste; and other wastes as further defined in M.S. § 115.01, are prohibited unless adequate safeguards approved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency are provided. For projects not requiring approvals by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, adequate safeguards must be approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to issuance of a permit.
   (C)   Critical facilities shall be located so that the lowest floor is not less than two feet above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), or the 0.2% annual chance flood elevation, whichever is higher.
   Table 1. Summary of Permitting Requirements for Structures
Structure Type
Flood Fringe
Structure Type
Flood Fringe
Accessory Structures - on fill
Only specific uses and types allowed - with CUP
Allowed with permit
§ 151.061(C)(4)(b)
Accessory Structures - Alt. Elevation Methods
Only specific uses and types allowed - with CUP
Allowed with permit
§ 151.061(C)(4)(c)
Accessory Structures - Wet Floodproofing
Only specific uses and types allowed - with CUP
Allowed with permit
§ 151.061(C)(4)(a)
Accessory Structures - Dry (watertight) Floodproofing
Only specific uses and types allowed - with CUP
Allowed with permit
§ 151.061(C)(4)(d)
Residential - on fill
Not allowed
Allowed with permit
§ 151.061(A)(1)
Residential - Alt. Elevation Methods
Not allowed
Allowed with CUP
§ 151.063(A)
Residential - Dry (watertight) Floodproofing and/or Basement Construction below RFPE
Not allowed
Not allowed
Non-Residential - on fill
Not allowed
Allowed with permit
§ 151.061(B)(1)
Non-Residential - Alt. Elevation Methods
Not allowed
Allowed with permit
§ 151.061(B)(2)
Non-Residential - Dry (watertight) Floodproofing and/or Basement Construction below RFPE
Not allowed
Allowed with permit
§ 151.061(B)(3)
*Note - many of these standards are cross-referenced
(Ord. 607, passed 7-8-2024)