(A)   All multi-family structures shall be subject to the following standards in this chapter. All requests for zoning permits, building permits or conditional use permits shall be accompanied by the following information as may be reasonably required by the Zoning Administrator and Building Inspector:
      (1)   Proposed and existing building locations, adjoining property locations, dimensions and elevations, all signs, structures, entry areas, storage sites, streets, sidewalks, alleys, parking lots and other structural improvements to the site;
      (2)   Circulation plans for both pedestrian and vehicular traffic;
      (3)   Fences and screening devices;
      (4)   Solid waste disposal provisions and facilities;
      (5)   Utilities such as gas, telephone, sewer and water;
      (6)   Storm drainage plans;
      (7)   Firefighting and other public safety facilities and provisions such as hydrant locations and fire lanes;
      (8)   Data pertaining to numbers of dwelling units, size, lot area and ratios;
      (9)   Exterior wall materials and design information;
      (10)   A one-foot contour topographical map of the existing site;
      (11)   A grading plan illustrating the proposed grade changes from the original topographical map. All site areas, when fully developed, shall be completely graded so as to adequately drain and dispose of all surface water, storm and groundwater in a manner as to preclude large scale erosion, unwanted ponding and surface chemical runoff;
      (12)   A recreation plan illustrating in detail all recreational facilities and structures; and
      (13)   A soil erosion control plan for the construction period. Areas within the construction zone shall be fenced with construction fencing to prohibit heavy machinery and/or materials from being placed on areas not to be disturbed during construction. This shall, at a minimum, include all slopes in excess of 18%.
   (B)   Sidewalks shall be provided from parking, loading, and recreation areas to the entrances of the building.
   (C)   Screening to a height of at least six feet shall be required where any off-street parking area is within 30 feet of an adjoining residential zone; or where the driveway to a parking area is within 15 feet of an adjoining residential zone.
   (D)   Parking requirements.
      (1)   Parking spaces shall not be located within ten feet of the side or rear lot line.
      (2)   Two parking spaces per unit shall be provided on the same site as the dwelling unit. Each space shall not be less than nine feet wide and 20 feet in length, or as approved by the Zoning Administrator, and each space shall be served adequately with access drives.
      (3)   One of the two required parking spaces shall be provided within a structure.
      (4)   Bituminous or concrete driveways and parking areas with curbing shall be required.
   (E)   The design shall make use of all land contained in the site. All of the sites shall be related to the circulation, recreation, screening, building storage and landscaping, so that no portion of the site remains undeveloped.
   (F)   Multiple dwelling units. Except for elderly housing, living units classified as multiple dwelling shall have the following minimum floor areas per unit:
      (1)   Efficiency units: 500 square feet;
      (2)   One bedroom units: 700 square feet;
      (3)   Two bedroom units: 800 square feet; and
      (4)   More than two-bedroom units: An additional 80 square feet for each additional bedroom.
   (G)   Elderly (senior citizen) housing. Living units classified as elderly (senior citizen) housing units shall have the following minimum floor areas per unit:
      (1)   Efficiency units: 440 square feet; and
      (2)   One bedroom units: 520 square feet.
   (H)   Apartment exterior treatment. The exterior of multi-family apartment structures shall include a variation in building materials which are to be distributed throughout the building facades and coordinated into the architectural design of the structure to create an architecturally balanced appearance. In addition, multiple family dwelling structures shall comply with the following requirements:
      (1)   A minimum of 33% of the combined area of all building exterior walls of a structure shall have an exterior finish of brick, stucco, and/or natural or artificial stone; and
      (2)   For the purposes of this section, the area of the building facade shall not include area devoted to windows, entrance doors, garage doors, or roof areas.
   (I)   Two-family houses and townhouses.
      (1)   Except as otherwise specified in the zoning district provisions, two-family dwellings and townhouses, as classified below, shall have the minimum floor area per one-bedroom unit:
         (a)   Two family unit: 650 square feet first floor above grade, plus 100 additional square feet for each additional bedroom; and
         (b)   Townhouses: 600 square feet first floor above grade, plus 100 additional square feet for each additional bedroom.
      (2)   The exterior finish of two-family houses and townhomes shall meet the general standards for single family residential dwellings.
   (J)   Residential structures and uses within the B-1 Zoning Districts. All residential structures and uses with the B-1A and B-1B Zoning Districts shall meet the requirements of this section except as stated below.
      (1)   Building materials. The exterior finish of a residential structure within the B-1B District shall be of the materials listed in § 153.073(C)(2)(i) with a minimum of 25% of the finish being brick or stone.
      (2)   Parking. Parking shall be provided at one parking space per bedroom with no garage being required.
      (3)   Screening. Within the B-1B District no screening is required to neighboring residential uses.
(Ord. 583, passed 8-26-2019; Ord. 608, passed 7-8-2024)