(A) Permit required. Every person shall before razing, holding up or moving any building, obtain a building permit and a zoning permit. Applications for the permits shall indicate the origin and destination of the building, and the route over which the moving of the building shall occur. The application shall also indicate the location of the lot on which the building is to be placed, the dimensions of the lot and the proposed location of the building on the lot along with setback distances. No permit allowing a structure to be moved shall be issued unless and until the following conditions are complied with and approved by the Zoning Administrator and Building Inspector.
(1) The applicant shall fill out the building permit and zoning permit applications.
(2) An inspection and review of the proposed building shall be conducted and approved by the Building Inspector or his or her representatives.
(3) The building after being moved shall be made to comply with all aspects of the State Building, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Codes and other pertinent state and local rules, regulations and ordinances.
(4) The Zoning Administrator shall review the zoning permit application to determine compliance with all the minimum requirements of the zoning district in which it is to be located.
(B) Application procedure. The Zoning Administrator and Building Inspector shall review the applications and may approve the applications if all zoning and building regulations have been met. If the applicant objects to the findings of the Zoning Administrator or Building Inspector, he or she may request that the Planning Commission review the application. The Planning Commission shall review the applications and make its recommendations to the City Council within 60 days of receipt of the applications. The City Council shall take action to approve or disapprove the applications within 30 days after receiving the recommendations of the Planning Commission. The City Council may take up any application for such permit if necessary, to comply with the terms of M.S. § 15.99.
(C) City Forester. The City Forester shall be advised of the route to be taken in moving any relocated building. All moving or trimming of trees or shrubs within the street rights-of-way or on public property made necessary by the move shall be done by the City Forester at the expense of the applicant. Should the moving, trimming or replanting of trees or shrubs cause the death of the trees or shrubs, the applicant shall replace them at his or her expense. Prior to moving the building, the city may in its sole discretion require the applicant to deposit with the city a reasonable amount of money to cover the expenses for which the applicant is responsible under this division. Any sum not expended shall be refunded to the applicant.
(D) Responsibility for payment. The applicant shall be responsible for the payment of all expenses associated with the application process, the moving of the structure and all other related expenses.
(E) The city may deny a permit to move a structure if it determines that damage to public property may occur as a result of the moving.
(Ord. 583, passed 8-26-2019)