(A)   Location. Recreational vehicles exceeding 16 feet in length shall only be parked or stored in the residential district as follows:
      (1)   The recreation vehicle must be owned or leased by the property owner or tenant;
      (2)   The recreation vehicle must be currently registered and licensed;
      (3)   The recreation vehicle shall be parked or stored on a hard-surfaced area;
      (4)   The recreation vehicle shall be parked or stored entirely on the owner’s or tenant's property;
      (5)   The recreation vehicle shall be parked or stored so not to extend beyond property lines;
      (6)   The recreation vehicle shall be parked so as not to obstruct visibility;
      (7)   The recreation vehicle and hard surfaced parking shall not be within five feet of the side or rear property line. In case of a corner lot, there shall be one side and one rear yard;
      (8)   The recreation vehicle shall be stored in the rear yard except if not accessible, the recreation vehicle shall be allowed to be parked or stored in the front driveway or adjacent to the front driveway in the side yard;
      (9)   No recreation vehicle shall be permitted to be parked in any un-paved area of the lot in front of the primary structure;
      (10)   The recreation vehicle shall not be permitted to block any egress exits;
      (11)   Recreation vehicles shall not be permanently connected to any utility service;
      (12)   Recreation vehicles may not be used as a dwelling, except for occasional use by the owner, tenants, friends, relatives or guests not to exceed 14 days; and
      (13)   No vehicle shall be parked within five feet of the side or rear property line.
   (B)   Public property. Recreation vehicles, boats or associated equipment shall not be parked on any public street, right-of-way easement or other public property overnight except in those public areas specifically designed for overnight storage or in route stops. Parking of vehicles in authorized areas shall not exceed ten consecutive days or nights.
   (C)   Construction use. A recreation vehicle or mobile home may be allowed in any district where the vehicle is used as an office connected with construction where a building permit has been granted for the construction work.
   (D)   Existing uses. Existing uses shall comply with this section within 12 months after the adoption of this chapter
(Ord. 583, passed 8-26-2019)