(A) No cellar, basement, garage, tent, accessory building, or temporary family health care dwelling shall at any time be used as an independent residence or dwelling unit, temporarily or permanently.
(B) Pursuant to authority granted by M.S. § 462.3593, Subdivision 9, the city opts-out of the requirements of M.S. § 462.3593, which defines and regulates temporary family health care dwellings.
(C) Basements may be used as living quarters or rooms as a portion of residential dwellings.
(D) Earth-sheltered housing shall not be considered as a basement or cellar.
(E) Tents, playhouses, or similar structures may be used for play or recreational purposes.
(F) Recreational vehicles may not be occupied or used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes.
(G) No building permit shall be issued for a dwelling unit that does not have frontage on a publicly opened right-of-way.
(Ord. 583, passed 8-26-2019)