A.   Whenever a surety bond to indemnify the village is required as a prerequisite to exercising the duties of any office or position, or to the issuance of a license or permit, or for the exercise of any special privilege, the surety on such bond shall be a corporation licensed and authorized to do business in this state as a surety company, in the absence of specific provision to the contrary by ordinance.
   B.   Whenever in its opinion additional sureties or an additional surety may be needed on any bond to indemnify the village against loss or liability because of the insolvency of the existing surety or sureties, or for any other reason, the council may order a new surety or sureties to be secured for such bond. If such new surety or sureties are not procured within ten (10) days from the time such order is transmitted to the principal of the bond, or his assignee, the council shall declare the bond to be void, and thereupon, such principal or assignee shall be deemed to have surrendered the privilege or position as condition on which the bond was required. (1966 Code § 5.605)