A.   The council shall make or authorize the making of all contracts to which the village may be a party, and no contract may be entered into without the authority of the council. (1966 Code §§ 1.115, 5.204)
   B.   No contract shall be entered into on behalf of or be binding on the village unless it is entered into by ordinance or resolution, or is reduced to writing and approved by the council, or expressly authorized by ordinance or resolution, and no such ordinance or resolution shall be passed until it has remained on file at least one week as required by statute. (1966 Code § 1.115)
   C.   The mayor, or any other person designated by the council, may sign on behalf of the village any contract authorized by the council. (1966 Code § 5.204)
   D.   Any work or other public improvement which is not to be paid for in whole or in part by special assessment or special taxation, when the expense thereof will exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), shall be constructed either: 1) by a contract let to the lowest responsible bidder after advertising for bids, in the manner prescribed by ordinance; except, that any such contract may be entered into by the proper village officers without advertising for bids, if authorized by a vote of two- thirds (2/3) of all the village council members then holding office; or 2) in the following manner, if authorized by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all the village council members then holding office: the proper officers to be designated by ordinance shall superintend and cause to be carried out the construction of the work or other public improvement and shall employ, exclusively for the performance of all manual labor thereon, laborers and artisans whom the village shall pay by the day or hour; and all material of the value of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) and upward used in the construction of the work or other public improvement shall be purchased by contract let to the lowest responsible bidder in the manner to be prescribed by ordinance. However, nothing contained in this subsection shall apply to any contract with the federal government or any agency thereof. (2003 Code)