A.   Property Description: The following material shall be submitted to provide an accurate description of the subject property:
      1.   Boundary Survey: A boundary survey or survey of record prepared at a scale of not less than one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100'). The survey shall include the following material:
         a.   Name of the person or firm responsible for preparation of the survey.
         b.   Location, width, and name of abutting or adjoining rights of way.
         c.   Legal description of the parcel in a format appropriate for legal advertisement (including the total acreage of the parcel).
      2.   Location Map: A location map prepared to scale with the subject property clearly marked.
      3.   Permanent Index Number (PIN): A listing of all the PINs for the subject property.
      4.   Owner Of Record: Name and address of the owner of record.
      5.   Out Parcel Reference: Notation of surveys and other documents pertinent to parcels owned by the developer or in which the developer has any legal interest, but which are not part of the project, and parcels identified for future subdivision.
      6.   Land Use: Description of the existing land use.
   B.   Project Description: The following material shall be submitted to provide an accurate description of the proposed project:
      1.   Proposed Land Use Plan: Descriptions shall be provided for project subareas in mixed use or phased projects. The proposed land use plan shall be prepared to scale; however, detailed subarea maps at a larger scale than the land use plan may be required. The following material shall be submitted to provide an accurate description of the proposed land use plan:
         a.   Identification and description of the land use, including the size in acres, type and number of residential units to be constructed, project density, and type and size of nonresidential construction.
         b.   Description of structures, including proposed use, heights, total square footage, number of bedrooms (for residential units), construction materials, and other items deemed necessary to accurately describe the proposed structure.
         c.   Notation of the presence of cafeteria or other food preparation or processing facilities in order to determine applicability of a sewer and water surcharge.
         d.   The number of trips generated by the use, the number of off street and on street parking provided, parking demand expected, handicapped spaces proposed, and loading spaces.
      2.   Adjacent Land Use: A map indicating the adjacent land uses.
      3.   Adjacent Zoning Classification: A map indicating the adjacent zoning classifications.
      4.   Project Compatibility:
         a.   A statement describing the compatibility of the proposed project with adjacent land uses and/or land uses permitted under existing zoning. Items analyzed shall include, but not be limited to, lighting, noise, mixture of land uses, building design, screening and shadows (cast by structures over 35 feet in height). Where potential incompatibilities may exist, mitigation measures shall be proposed.
         b.   A statement which reviews the appropriateness of the building design both with regard to the individual structure, as well as in relationship to the context developed by surrounding buildings and topography. The following aspects of the building design shall be specifically discussed:
            (1)   Building scale relative to planned development in the area and permanent neighboring developments.
            (2)   Architectural materials which are durable, suitable for the type of building and design, as well as demonstrating good architectural character and harmony with nearby buildings.
            (3)   The appropriate relationship and proportion of building components to one another.
            (4)   The use of primary and accent colors with regard to their harmony with other buildings in the area and the limitation of accent colors to secondary uses on the building.
            (5)   The avoidance of monotony of design through the use of variation and detail form and setting to provide visual interest.
         c.   A list of visual considerations shall be submitted by the developer with a site plan which includes an inventory of the existing and planned areas of high visual interest in the project area. A detailed description shall be presented which reviews how the owner will design and locate buildings, and retain or alter existing grades, drainage, and trees in such a way as to maintain, enhance or create views both within and into the site. Where possible, topographic features that contribute to the beauty or utility of a development shall be preserved and integrated into the development design. Landscape treatment shall be provided to enhance architectural features, strengthen vistas and develop important axis.
      5.   Construction/Phasing Schedule: A statement of the proposed construction/phasing schedule shall be submitted. This statement shall include the following material:
         a.   Estimated starting date of construction.
         b.   Total square footage or total residential units to be built by type per year or by phase.
         c.   Estimated completion date of construction.
   C.   Environmental Impact Analysis: The following material shall be submitted to provide an accurate description of the environmental impact of the proposed project.
      1.   Topography, Drainage And Hydrology: The following material shall be submitted describing the topography, drainage system, and site hydrology:
         a.   Identification of floodplains, including the delineation of the floodway and flood fringe, description of flood hazards, and a description of proposed uses within the floodplain.
         b.   Identification of watercourses within or adjacent to the proposed project.
         c.   Description and delineation of wetlands.
         d.   A description of the existing drainage system, including the location and description of all drainage improvements.
         e.   Previous applicable drainage and hydrologic studies.
         f.   Description of existing drainage problems and any anticipated future drainage patterns.
         g.   Project drainage plan listing all required improvements and easements for both on site and off site drainage facilities, including improvements necessary to satisfy detention requirements.
         h.   An assessment of the impact of the project on community drainage facilities, including a description of methodologies proposed to minimize adverse effects.
      2.   Soils: The following material shall be submitted describing soil conditions:
         a.   Soils map describing the types of soil found at the site.
         b.   Identification of building constraints and description of methodology to be used to overcome constraints.
         c.   Reference to recent soils tests conducted at this site.
         d.   A summary of the appropriate county soil and water conservation district soils report, with the full report attached.
      3.   Water Quality: The following material shall be submitted to assess the project impact on water quality:
         a.   Identification of methodologies to be utilized to control erosion and sedimentation during construction of the project.
         b.   Certification by the project developer that the project will conform to all water quality requirements of the Illinois environmental protection agency.
      4.   Flora And Fauna: The following material shall be submitted to assess the impacts of the project on plants and animals:
         a.   Endangered Plant And Animal Species: The following material shall be submitted describing endangered species: species inventory of endangered, threatened, or unique plants, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds, waterfowl, and other wildlife located in the project area.
         b.   Tree Survey: A tree survey of all existing trees over three inches (3") in diameter.
      5.   Noise: The following material shall be submitted to assess the noise impacts of the project:
         a.   Identification of existing major generators of noise which may potentially affect the project, including noise generated by aircraft, vehicular traffic, industrial activities, commercial activities, etc.
         b.   Identification of noise sensitive facilities located in the vicinity of the project, including hospitals, schools, nursing homes, churches, parks, housing for the elderly, etc.
         c.   Identification of proposed permanent noise generators located within the project and their anticipated noise levels, including a statement describing noise generation resulting from construction sources.
         d.   An assessment of the impact of the project on adjacent land uses and conversely the impact of adjacent land uses on the project, including a description of the methodologies to be utilized to alleviate excessive noise levels both during and after construction.
         e.   Certification by the project developer that the project will conform to all noise control requirements of the Illinois environmental protection agency.
      6.   Archaeological/Historical Significance: Material shall be submitted identifying and describing the significant archaeological/historical aspects of the project site.
      7.   Recycling: A recycling plan shall be submitted if required by this code or ordinance.
   D.   Revenue And Expenditure Impact Analysis: The following material shall be submitted to provide a description of the impact of the project on community revenues and expenditures:
      1.   Financial Description: The following material shall be submitted describing the financial aspects of the proposed project:
         a.   Statement of the estimated total project value, equalized assessed value, and the multiplier used. Estimated selling price for residential units.
         b.   Current land assessment of the property.
         c.   Identification of all corporate parties financially involved in the project, including the identification of the principal officers and all major stockholders owning over five percent (5%) stock.
         d.   Identification of parcels to be subdivided from the total tract for future sale or separate financing.
      2.   Estimated Revenue Generation: Identification of the total amount of estimated revenue to be generated by the project. This estimate shall include the following material:
         a.   Identification and description of sources and amounts of revenue generated by the project. This description shall include, but not be limited to, real estate tax revenues, vehicle tax revenues, motor fuel tax revenues, water and sewer use revenues, annexation fees, and miscellaneous contributions to various government agencies.
         b.   Identification and description of those revenues specifically available to the village and each of the other taxing bodies to which the project is subject.
      3.   Estimated Village Expenditures: Identification and description of the sources and total amounts of estimated village revenue expenditures, based on village requirements and demands created by the project.
      4.   Revenue/Expenditure Evaluation: Summarization, in tabular format, of the estimated revenue generation and village revenue expenditures required above. Where a negative financial impact to the village is indicated, justification of the project, in terms of specific community benefits, shall be provided. (Ord. 5-97, 3-4-1997)