A.   Deposit On Streets:
      1.   It shall be unlawful to deposit on any street any material which may be harmful to the pavement thereof, or any waste material, or any glass, or other articles which may cause injury to any person, animal or property. (1966 Code § 7.118)
      2.   Materials may be deposited in streets preparatory to delivery for use; provided, that such deposit does not reduce the usable width of the street or roadway at that point to less than eighteen feet (18'); and provided, that such material, other than material used in actual building construction, shall not be permitted to remain in such street for more than three (3) hours. Any such material shall be guarded by lights if the same remains upon any street during nighttime. (1966 Code § 7.118; amd. 2003 Code)
   B.   Deposits On Sidewalks:
      1.   It shall be unlawful to deposit on any public sidewalk any material which may be harmful to the pavement thereof, or any waste material, or any glass or other article which might cause injury to persons, animals or property.
      2.   Merchandise or other articles may be deposited on sidewalks preparatory to delivery; provided, that the usable width of the sidewalk is not thereby reduced to less than four feet (4'); and provided, that no such article shall remain on such walk for more than one-half (1/2) hour. (1966 Code § 7.119)
   C.   Dumping Of Snow In Public Streets:
      1.   The dumping, piling, pushing, or otherwise placing of measurable and significant amounts of snow in public streets and roadways within the corporate limits of the village of Leland is a safety hazard and shall be prohibited.
      2.   Other than by municipal government employees in the course of their employment while plowing the public streets and roadways, no person or entity shall dump, pile, push or otherwise place snow onto the public streets and roadways within the village corporate limits, or authorize, direct or cause snow to be dumped, piled, pushed or otherwise placed onto the public streets and roadways within the village, or allow snow to be removed from one's premises and dumped, piled, pushed or otherwise placed onto public streets and roadways within the village except on a temporary basis while in the process of shoveling, plowing or otherwise removing snow.
      3.   It is a violation of this subsection for any person or entity who owns, rents, or otherwise occupies or has control over any property fronting on any public street or roadway from which abutting property snow has been dumped, piled or pushed or otherwise placed, other than by municipal governmental employees in the course of their employment while plowing the public streets and roadways, to fail or refuse to remove the snow by or from in front of the property within twenty four (24) hours after receiving notice and direction to remove the snow by a police officer or other authorized village agent or employee.
      4.   Snow which has been dumped, piled, pushed or otherwise placed onto the municipal streets and roadways of the village is significant in amount when it impedes, tends to impede, or is likely to impede the free flow of traffic over, on, onto, or entering or exiting from the paved portion of the public streets and roadways of the village.
      5.   Snow shall be considered to have been dumped, piled, pushed or otherwise placed onto a public street or roadway when the snow is dumped, piled, pushed or otherwise placed in between the curbing, on streets and roadways which are curbed, or onto the paved surface of streets or roadways which are not curbed and left to remain for any period of time other than in the actual process of shoveling, plowing or removing snow.
      6.   For purposes of this subsection, the word "snow" shall include snow, ice, slush and water in any solid or semisolid form.
      7.   It shall not be a violation of this subsection to fail to remove snow that is left on the public streets and roadways as a result of plowing by any governmental agency; nor is this subsection to be read to require anyone to remove snow which has accumulated naturally in the public streets and roadways.
      8.   Any person, firm or corporation violating this subsection shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00). Each day a violation occurs or continues shall be deemed a separate offense. (Ord. 01-11, 1-4-2011)



2. See also subsection 5-3-3B and section 6-3-3-2 of this code.